Sunday, November 16, 2008

SD Exia

Ordered this cute little guy from Hobby Link Japan. Its a pretty nice kit, Bandai used a newer type of plastic. As far as SD models are, this one was fairly simple. and there isn’t much articulation.

One major downside to this SD was the amount of painting that is needed to be added for Exia' true colours.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

~Paint: 1/144 HG Stargazer

Its been a while since my last post. Sorry everyone who comes to check out my blog. Ill try to stay more active over the holiday season for all of you.

This is my second stargazer kit. I decided to paint it and give it to a friend.

It took me about a day and a half to hand paint. And i waited an extra day before i took the chance of touching it for assembling. Type of paint i used was Tamiya Purple and Flat Black. The kit dried with a glossy coat to it and i put the stargazer black stickers on not the bling bling, but i think it looks pretty good. I think my friend will like it.