In all took a chunk of $80 out of my wallet. Not to bad i should say. Picked my new toys up in Toronto at Anime Extreme.
Not too bad eh?
The kits are 1) SD Strike Noir(FIRST SD KIT)
2)1/144 HG AILE Strike
3)1/144 HG Strike Noir (TO GO WITH MY STARGAZER).
Will start building soon, so expect lots of updates before the end of July.
I also picked up two action bases, a Tamya thin tip model paint brush, XF-1 Flat Black Paint for painting both my Noir kits, black Gundam marker, and I purchased a copy of the first novel in the Gundam Seed series.
Wau, that's awesome.
Build the SD fast, I like SDs...
Its coming along bud. thats the next kit i decided to start. i was going to save the SD for last, but i figured i would be happier if that was the Aile' job.
Both the Aile and the SD Noir, im painting so its taking some time. No WIP pic's for these 3 kits though.
The SD on the other hand is coming along just fine and i have to admit im amused by its proportions. haha its looking good though, all is assembled and the black had been painted along with the red. im currently mixing my own yellow for the v-fin because the yellow i have isnt the orage tinted of the Noir's normal scheme. but expect completed pictures tommorow or friday. who knows if i keep working perhaps tonight...
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